Today's temperature artwork has an interesting back story even if like me you are not a cricket tragic. Read Guy's insta post @temperature_guy_manly for more details, and give him a like and a follow if you haven't already.
My best intentions of an early arrival to catch the sunrise did not come to fruition and by the time I arrived the 7am crew had well and truly disappeared around the corner.
Early swimmers were back however
Joint birthday cake for Matt and Jo, and some happy consumers,
An empty bench, a rare sight
But the Men of the Shed were around
Drinks and me. Drinks aka Andrew Drinkwater says don't forget to look for the post about next Tuesday's Parmy Night at the skiff club on the FB page. Plenty of other options if you don't fancy a parmy,
Gorgeous Goofy Gertie
Comings and goings
There's a bit of a gutter to swim through between the sand bank and the shore.
Happy to report that Gemma and these WOWs made it
I spent some time watching a school of tiny squid at the Point. Try to find at least one in this photo.
Was this chappie yesterday's marauder? He would neither confirm nor deny.
A big swimming Eagle Ray
An ex cuttlefish
Another swimming Eagle Ray
Another Eagle Ray resting on the sand with its companion Remora
A Spangled Emperor and a male Groper with some of his Mado crew.
And a sneaky post swim shot
What am I listening to? I've had a couple of listens to the new Beyonce album and here's one of the tracks. I like the homage to the original guitar work and I think it's a wonderful cover and statement.
Have a great week
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