Morning and Siyabona
High temperatures in and out the water
Thanks Guy who captured this well. Beautiful Lainey and Anna show the way
14 year old Chloe on her second BnB swim flanked by BnB friends Ian, Ing, Alistair and Sally. Welcome Chloe just fantastic to have you join us !
Suzie, Clare, Penny, Brad and Derek before the swim. Particularly nice to have Brad back. He, Lucy and kids now live in S’pore. We miss the Edwards family ! His nickname is ‘One Way’ can’t think why.
Two Saffer lovelies Derek Grys Baard ( grey beard) and Kara
Some going in some coming out Bruce, Jo, Brian, Mikey and a very gorgeous happy lady whose name I don’t have sorry!
Lisa and her son Alistair out visiting from the UK. Welcome Alistair, Mum hasn’t stopped purring
Another proud and happy Mum is Ro Scog, her son Andrew ( also a swimmer and doctor at NBH ) has just completed his first iron man in WA raising funds for street medics). Well done Andrew we are in awe of this huge feat and proud of you.
And some kak praat pictures ( general chat)
First off the DX mob Coatsey,Penny, Drinks, Millie, Tim, Suzie, Chris, Kara, Kerry and Charl with flurries Wally and Rolly
Jimmy and Jon in deep reflection. Also Jimmy you busted :)
A fly past in his version of a broom stick, the lovely Capless
and some of my bestie WOW buddies
Edward ( Robyn’s son), Lisa, Amandakins, Mum and daughter Clare and Mon and Sooz. With Atticus the hound
Kai swam to the point today with swimming coach Linda. Kai is 11 years old. A big welcome Kai we loved seeing you and Chloe take it away for next gen swimmers !
A great swim today calm waters, bitey sea lice aside.
Overheard at the Xmas party ‘ I asked what does it take to join the WOW mob, someone said they only swim to half way’
I don’t have enough rolled eye emojis to deal out but for the record it’s just a matter of putting your bag on the wall … join in … some swim WOWs to Shelley some swim to the tree some to the pool and some dip. Depends on commitment and energy . We have all age groups. You will always have a buddy to swim with.
My heartfelt thanks to the DX and Mers for nominating Mum
for Mum as their charity for the Coles classic. We are so incredibly delighted ! We open on the NB’s so this is an exciting chapter for us and we able to support more Mums. Talking of next gen.
Have a good week and Hambe Kahle ( go well)
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