I love swimming at this time of the year because there are lots of male Port Jackson sharks around looking for a mate. As a matchmaker myself I love seeing them meet up ;-) but there are a lot more males than females (not like Manly) and it's a lucky sighting when you see a female. They are bigger than the males by about 20 cms!
I screenshotted this pic from a video I took of mating going on involving 3 males and a female. They actually bite on a fin to pin the female down before inserting one of their claspers!
I got the info below from the net...
'Copulation was observed and involved oral grasping of the female’s pectoral fin by a single male, which wrapped his body around hers to insert one clasper. Ovipositing females appeared to search crevices in the reef prior to delivering a single capsule, which was washed into the crevice by water movement, with the female departing very soon after'
Swimming with PJs at the weekend. We were following a female that was in the process of giving birth ad trying to find a good hiding place that it would wedge in to rocks away from predators!
Anyway back to today's swim!
Glorious start to the morning with 12 degrees out and 16.1 in with calm but slightly murky water!
Pilates and Yoga groups from 6-7am!
Stars and Stripes Pufferfish
It's tricky getting wetsuits off. Here are Sheena and Merilee
Max is back from many years living o/s. We saved a turtle from a balloon tie about 6 years ago! Here he is with Jo and Jill
Frangi, Merman and Drinks post-swim
More of the Drinks Express with Talitha in the foreground who has a birthday today. Happy Birthday Talitha!
Quite a few Wows (women of the wall) today
Lots of Mods (men of the door)
One of our favourite couples, John and Jill :-)
The Merpeople were thin on the ground today but there will be loads here tomorrow for Tatiana
s and DC's birthdays. Join us for some cake post-swim!
Have a great day folks and remember the Winter Badge Ceremony on Sunday!
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