Wednesday 23rd August, 8 more days to achieve winter swimming badges!
water temp: 16.2
air temp: 8.2 degrees at 7am
conditions: flat & clear
vibe: excited to see 2 grey nurse sharks at the bower ! And more ! And for one more week of winter !
8 days left (plus today) to secure winter badges! will we see a steady stream of neoprene entering the water? For cold water fanatics, do not fear, the benefits of cold water swimming will be with us for a few months yet. According to the Bureau of meteorology, the water temperature is forecast to remain on the cool side (sub 20) until perhaps November, however mother nature seems to throw curve balls so we really dont know!
another beneift of neoprene is being able to stay in the water longer to enjoy the myriad of magical sea life in the Bay. Last weekend a few B&B crew completed a freedive course with Freediving central. For anyone interested in non-scuba exploration, the course (level 1) is informative and insightful and the breathwork skills are also useful for insomniacs - i can attest to the benefits! A goal for pretty much all of us was to be able to free-dive to the motor bike! A number of the B&B community are avid free divers and their photo captures of our marine sanctuary tell so many stories...
A fun fact about free diving - did you know about a scandal involving performance enhancing drugs in a professional freedive competition (google it for an interesting commentary)? Scroll down to the end of the blog to find out, aside from Valium, what one of the said "performance enhancing" drug was! you may be surprised (and a little puzzled).
so, on that theme... todays swimmers were asked about their "performance enhancing" go-to "fuel" (as opposed to performance enhancing neoprene aka cheat shorts!).
Nicci, amanda & Debbie - cold water & safety of a neoprene swim cap! Although Nicci doesn’t need any - enhancements - before a swim!
Fiona & Georgina - having an arm that works & “grass” - meaning the joy of the green sea grass
Some of the drinks express - Kerry, Susie, Andre & jimmy are fuelled by coffee & the possibility of seeing grey nurse sharks (like today) although I question if anyone in the drinks express needs any sort of motivation as they seem to fuel from (friendly) competition with each other !
Super swimmer Danny is fuelled by gels
mel completed 20 swims without a wetsuit today and has certainly earned her WWW badge - well done mel! Fuelled by a sense of achievement & accomplishment every day (including braving last weekends coldest day!)
mermaids and Manmaids fuelled by friendship & & coffee & cake after swimming & the occasional competition (no names mentioned - you know who you are ha ha )
buddy is fuelled with the thought of a new ACL - good luck buddy ! (sorry about the rotated photo - couldn't get it to load properly!)
as always, be kind, look out for and after each other, stay safe and have a wonderful wednesday!
Announcement number 1:
one of the performance enhancing substances in question was... drum roll.... viagra! go figure!
Announcement number 2:
2023 Winter Badge Ceremony – Sunday 17th September at 8 am
You’ve done the hard yards and earned your Winter Badge(s), so why not collect them personally with all the pomp and ceremony the B&B can muster. Our Winter Badge Ceremony will be held at the Royal Far West’s Centre for Country Kids at 14-18 Wentworth St (opposite Rialto Square) on Sunday 17th September, at 8 am, straight after the regular swim! Everyone is welcome, family, friends and swimmers alike. Bring along $10 for each badge you have earned (credit cards will be accepted at this event). $5 will be donated to RFW for each badge collected at this event, so, if you can’t make it, get your friends to collect your badge for you. Or if you have previous badges you have forgotten to collect, now is the time to do it.
A $5 per person donation will be payable to the RFW at the gate for hosting this event, and .... RFW will provide a FREE breakfast (sausage sandwich and a coffee/tea). Bookings are essential to ensure there is enough food. Book here NOW https://www.
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