There's a new dance that's going around
When the hits start flying you gotta get down
Parked at the point today for the return of the Drinks Express. Got run over.
A crisp 8 degrees out, double it for the water temp. Surprisingly very warm for the middle of winter.
The Guru tries to justify the record bank profits to us. Blocky talks golf, retirement and the markets. Duncan prompts the merit of community & street libraries.
Every June as winter descends on Tasmania, along with snow, sleet, ice and artic conditions, Stealthy takes one of his young children on a trek to Cradle Mountain. Sort of a coming of age. He notes that it is never busy then. I see. Today he takes Will on a balmy swim around to half way. We call him a child tormenter. A hot chocolate never went down so well.
When you reach the bottom line, the only thing to do is climb
Rusty's Pitch Report:
The exits as I entered mentioned some of the best conditions ever seen. I miss Sarah & Jon again from their early swim, still out there? Definitely time to ditch the wettie, and bring your best viewing goggles. Some weed in the corner of Shelly & I got tangled with the Go Pro, but otherwise slick, extremely clear and magnificent viewing conditions. Cruised around the edge. Gropers everywhere at the point. Took some time with a slow coffee. Faahny and i warmed our backs on the walls whilst talking racehorses, bikinis, the benefits of Psychedelic drugs and generally how to save the world from communicable diseases.
Dave notes the spring like conditions & turns around for another lap. I could have stayed out all day.
Enjoy your weekend. Remember don't let your true love run cold.
Rusty the Fish
and for Chippo who is having a long sleep in ... chuck this on your Sonos and have some romantic adventures to the tune:
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