Something strange was occurring in the Drinks Express early on Friday morning. The new design budgies were causing some distress, with the Guv complaining of an unusual rash, stories of a missing testicle, and an unnamed sandgroper who has probably eaten a bit much cake over Christmas.
The Guv shared a theory that the issue is a combination of the budgie's ink and Jon's aftershave. Drinks simplifies as he does & recommends he ditch the budgies and just go back to the G String. I'm swimming 7am from now on.
What I want makes me poor
In this great big world of plenty, I'm holding out my cup...only you can fill it up
I had a few stomach problems (storm water) so hence the very delayed Friday post. Carolines Pitch Report as follows:
Surfers stretching, kickboxers taking over the grasss. Rubbish in the bay. Lots of logs rolling around. I was one of the many who swam into one. Gentle chop.
The Drinks Express Shelly line up
Dancing Dan was asked to unravel Froggie's underpants .. both have very big smiles afterwards....
How good is it to see Sarah from Sales back on our shores. I bumped into her on the beach a couple of days ago & it made my day. Jon was off to the pool to get faster so she was taking her time. A beautiful wavey swim was reported...
Thanks for the swim & coffee team. Remember don't let your true love run cold!
Back in action tomorrow, antibiotics have kicked in, watch out for a special Birthday Blog
Rusty the Fish and Carolinebythebeach
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