Happy St Andrew’s Day to all the Scots and descendants of Scots
A wee bit then about the famous Proclaimer Song
As Scottish as Irn Bru and deep fried pizzas. There can’t be too many souls in Scotland who don’t know all the words to this one. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) was released by Auchtermuchty duo The Proclaimers in 1988, and went on to score hits around the world. The song has appeared in countless movies and TV shows since it was written and has even been parodied by Family Guy and The Simpsons.’
We swam 1.00 miles today and what a beautiful swim it was. Not so clear but a meditative easy one to ease us into Wednesday.
The scene that greeted us … meant it’s gonna be magic
Lovely Leah in front with surf board, temperature a mild 19.2C is what’s it’s gonna be
A beautiful mermaid and Capless pose …
The early 6.30 crew start coming in … blueys or no blueys what’s it gonna be
Kiwi Corner Greg and Nicki talking about ‘fush’ they see other other thungs
Lovely Doc Dave Bachmayer, our resident orthodontist, emerges with a lovely smile - what else
The Men of the Door (MODS) Michael Brian Richard Bernard and Gunnah ( sp?) been swimming for 6 plus years together, glamourised by Nicki #MODcons
Stalwarts Henrietta and Bernhard welcome newbies
Adding glamour, Tay Jonny Dan Steve and Christy
A bunch of lovelies, Ian, Robbie and extra lovely Kit hanging for a chat
Fi Mac has her hair attended to by fellow WOW Amandakins while Georgina looks on amused. Fi is recovering from an accident on her bike and is strapped up making hair doing a bit of a challenge … lovely to have you back for coffee Fi
My beautiful pooch Holly minds the wall
It’s wonderful to be back at the swim.
Wishing Derek a happy birthday for last week. Cake to celebrate next week.
Go well or Hambe Kahle everyone.
Management message
As the Summer swimming season approaches, we look forward to our Summer swim challenges. By popular demand, we have decided to retain the summer challenge and super swimmer badges which were both well-received last summer. This year we will have the following badges:
- Summer Challenge - swim 30 times over summer (1 Dec to 28 Feb), and swim in at least 7 different weeks
- Summer Super Swimmer - swim 50 times over summer
Three long distance swims are also on offer, all of which earn a badge:
- A 6 km swim will be held every summer Saturday morning (depending on conditions) generally starting at 7 am. The first 6 km swim will be onSaturday 3rd December.
- There will be a 10 km swim once a month over summer also starting with the 7 am swim. Dates for these will be announced in the blog. The first 10 km swim will be on 10thDecember.
- If these swims are too long for you, you can try a Triple Manly to Shelly swim any day during Summer (distance 3.5 km) from 6.30 or 7 am.
If you are unsure of the routes and protocols for these swims, please ask at the desk before you swim. When swimming these longer distances, we request that, for safety reasons, you stay with the group. We also request that you do not swim in dangerous conditions. The quest for a little cloth badge is not worth putting your life at risk. Enjoy your swimming. In order to be eligible for any/all of these badges you must log your swims in i-Log. If you don’t have a log-in, please contact Ian ([email protected]) .
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