Hi to all who read this local and abroad, like Tilly from last Monday, I to have volunteered to blog on a Monday and will be on a rotating roster with original Monday blogger Simon, so I will feature every three weeks.
I thought I’d start with how I came to swim with B&B. It all started back on the 14th April, 2013. I heard of people doing the Cole classic, then apparently you could swim this same swim everyday at 7am with a group called the Bold and Beautiful swim squad, I was intrigued (Now keep in mind I had never been in the ocean past my waist, never have and still don’t live near the beach), so at the local pool I overheard a conversation that some people were swimming the following weekend, silly me said I would join then, so here I am at Manly joining the 7am swimmers, again, did I mention I had never been in the ocean past my waist!, so in I went with the group with no time to think this through and I was off. I loved it, yes it was terrifying, but I was hooked. I hyperventilated just getting out to the point for about 6 months, but once out I settled, a year or so later decided I needed to swim through winter and got myself a wetsuit. Now 9 years on, I still find this absolutely amazing. I’m more the scenic route kind of gal and feel that the swimming is incidental to the fish spotting (Unfortunately as yet I do not have an underwater camera)
Now for some photos😃, I normally swim on a Sunday since I live in Kenthurst, which is an hour away, so I have a few Sunday rituals that I love, so these first two photos are from yesterday. The first are the wonderful boys at Market Lane Cafe, #marketlanecafe. Vik and Guri, I love that even though I only come once a week, they know my name and my coffee order, thanks guys 😊
Above is my Sunday swim buddy, Dom, who I met just randomly chatting to a stranger at Shelly beach 🏖
Today the weather was dull, grey and uninspiring and the swim also the same, I guess you can’t have perfect every day.
Some 6.20 -6.30ish swimmers
so despite the conditions not being too exciting, I am aware there is still plenty to be thankful for, so here is what I am thankful for today;
- Always a warm welcome on arrival at B&B (Thanks JK 😊),
- I love the sound of the water that passes your ears as you swim,
- My body’s ability to swim, and
- That despite living an hour away, I am still close enough to enjoy all that is Manly and Cabbage Tree Bay
So on that note, I hope you enjoy my first blog and have a great Monday
Belinda 🐠🐟🏖😊 Sent from my iPad
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