An explosion of colours this morning. Having turned the solstice corner, are we heading into Summer already?
Water temps gone up! Oh happy Friday!
and some people just try really hard...
6.27am entry. Getting a head start on the Express crew.
Walking through the high dry grass, pushing my way through slow
Yellow belly black snake, sleeping on a red rock, Waiting for the stranger to go
La Luna! If you happened to look up in the sky today, the ultimate rare planetary alignment occurred. 5 planets aligned with the moon. It won't happen again until 2040.
12 degrees. 6.25am
The Welcoming Committee. What a set of smiles!
Post swim coffee & wind down.
Mountain in the shadow of light, rain in the valley below
I can't take my hands from my face, there are some things we can't replace
Winner winner chicken dinner. The leaders of the Drinks Express reliving Passage Rock and the battle for the line. LOL, the Spaniard, Trooper Bevan, ZinZan and Fingerbone smashing it out in front.
Over liquid tarmac wastelands of cactus and heat
Down cobblestone alleyways of washing day sheets
Thanks for the swim & coffee Team. Remember don't let your true love run cold!
Rusty the Fish & Carolinebythebeach
(special guest yoga pose by Chippo the magnificent)
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