Thank you for following public health advice at all times.
What is 1000 times better than an End of Financial Year Sale? An End of Financial Year Seal of course!
A number of very lucky swimmers had the magical experience of swimming with this seal this morning on the last day of the financial year! Not quite sure why she picked this day to swim into CBT and frolic with the swimmers - perhaps she was showing off about having already lodged her return! HUGE thanks to Lainey for the photos and if you want to see more of Lainey's photos and footage, go to the B&B Swimmers facebook page!
7.30 swimmers, Lainey, Chrissy and Sooze were some of the super lucky ones to swim with the seal this morning! Their excitement was intoxicating! Lainey could hardly talk as she was shivering so much but we certainly got the gist of what she was saying! Ssssseal.....ssssswimmming....fffffrrrooolicking......allllll ththththhe way to ssssshelly......bbbbooowwweeerrrr .......ssssshark (baby grey nurse)..... ....... .......!!
So were Jimmy, Tatchi and Paul! If I could have got Paul's description on his encounter with the seal on video that would have been almost as good as seeing the seal itself I reckon!!!
Fi and Angela didn't spot the seal but were relieved as they can be quite territorial and have a nasty bite. I've never seen Fi and Angela be territorial and bite before, but I guess there is a first for everything!
Lainey said the seal was a baby.... so all good!
The water was warm, flat and inviting this morning! It was a little cloudy (unless it was my goggles) but it was a beautiful swim!
I went seal spotting but all I found were these old wives!
And many of these....!
And Dave diving down to get a closer look!
I think our fabulous lifeguard Bordo, is quite happy with COVID lockdown. There are way less people for him to worry about! I hope you make the most of it Bordo - put your feet up and have a cuppa or two while you can! Maybe a bit of sudoku or crossword puzzles too!
Nat, Mary and Jay
Have a great week and stay safe!
The July B&B Dinner has been cancelled due to COVID.
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