You had to be down at the beach by 6.30am this morning to see the amazing light show. It was spectacular! I always try not to miss the half hour before and after sunrise and had to jump up from yoga on the beach to photograph this!
The Drinks Express got to swim under that stunning sky. The surf had calmed down from the weekend and water was warm around 20-21 degrees.
Thanks Jen and Sal for yoga!
Mel and friend looking gorgeous with that backdrop!
Peter and Huw had finished their swim when I took this photo.
Claire and Lyndell were just about to go in.
Nicki and Anthon. We're still waiting to see Anthon with a pink cap...
It's Nick's birthday tomorrow. There may even be cake!
The wonderful 'Wows' about to get their 'salt joy'!
Charlie, 'Wogga' and Ewen with Justus
Scotty and the Black Cappers aka A Team
Kate and Sarah a bit blurry but still cute. Sarah bakes the most delicious gluten free bread and sells it at Honeybee Bakery and Balgowlah Heights. I've tried the Zucchini Loaf and Fruit Toast. We also have our other swimmer turned Baker, James Partington's Staple now opened on Wentworth Street with fantastic products!
A few swimmers I caught in the water. I'm looking forward to Bluewater dinner tonight with a secret but inspiring and moving speaker who does happen to be in one of the photos above! Unfortunately it's sold out but email Ian if you want to go as there could be a spare ticket or 2.
On the topic of nights out we were supposed to be promoting a Trivia Night coming up but it's sold out in 4 days! A note below from Duncan and a photo of the talented Tim Keith who has been filming the documentary based on us the last 18 months!
Thank you for your interest in the Quiz night. We have now reached our capacity. if you would like to still contribute to the completion of swimming documentary 'Salt Joy' based on the Bold & Beautiful swimming Community. This funding would include final Post-Production costs such as Additional Editing, Audio Mixing and Colour grade. Contribute directly to the film then please use the following link.
It would be great if anyone can donate directly or with prizes for a Silent Auction. Please let me, Duncan, John Kelly or Drinksy know if you have anything you can donate! It could be a prize or a service... Anything that people would pay some money for to help Tim and help completion of this fantastic documentary which many of you are featured in!
There's been a lot of interest on the Facebook B&B Swimmers page about a 'Lunchtime swimming Group'. Here are some of the swimmers you may meet if you wish to come along...Lainey (me), Kirsten, Janet, Tony and Ali. It's all very casual and swimmers just let each other know when and what time. It may not go every day.Everyone welcome!
One of our regulars Peter Lei loved his swim today. He commented "the water's alive this morning! Lots of movement. So invigorating!"
Ali needs a job! She's been working for 20 years in business events but it's really been impacted by covid. Please get in touch if you have anything that might suit this vivacious, hard-working and dynamic lady!
The water viz has been terrible the last week but I took these pics 9 days ago. The Giant Cuttlefish will reappear again. This is the time of year we see these incredible creatures. I'm sure we'll be back to good viz soon!
Have a great week!
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