Beautiful Sunday. But unfortunately not that beautiful on the Covid front.
Looks are deceiving and we have reverted to the stay-at-home Covid regulations.
Thankfully we can still exercise.
There would have many changed plans for Christmas. Now it looks like there may be plenty for New Year.
While many of us on the Northern Beaches can’t go anywhere, spare a thought for those who planned their holidays here in Manly and can’t get in.
At least we get our daily exercise in the sea, many countries like South Africa don’t allow people to swim under Covid regulations.
Nevertheless compliments of the season to you all!
And... big drum roll... a very Happy 12th Birthday to the Bold and Beautiful!

Above: I joined Guy and Jeff in the 6.57am contingent for our exercise. People are swimming at different times of the day in keeping with rules so there would have been groups at 6.38am, 7.16am, 7.50am, 9.03am and various other times around the (daylight) clock.

Above: Today's swim included the seaweed challenge where you choose between a calf strengthening wade or a shallow doggy paddle through the good green stuff.

Above: Speaking of which ... If you overindulged over the Festive Season (like one member of our family), that daily swim is the perfect way to clear the cobwebs and return to that refreshed and revitalised feeling.

Above: My watch has failed to find the GPS since Derek and I drove to Adelaide. Would you believe it – when the planets lined up (Jupiter and Saturn) on the solstice (on Monday) my watch finally found the GPS signal again so I can again tell where I am swimming and where I have been.

Today's stats:
Water Temperature: Twenty something
Swimmers: Scattered starts over various times of the day
Air Temperature: 18

Above: A couple of weeks ago I did a spectacular wheels up after stepping in this oily puddle in the Coles Car Park. It was a major win for me that I didn’t break anything as my left (butt) check took the full impact although I did walk with a limp for a while. So take care when heading back to your car.
Enjoy Round Two of Boxing Day tomorrow – we have had a tough year in 2020 but we do get two Boxing Days.
Hang in there. Stay safe and healthy and remember it ain’t over till it’s over.
Management notices
SUMMER BADGES - Summer: 1st Dec - 28th Feb
Due to government restrictions, this summer we will not be organising 6km or 10km swims or badges. Instead... we are offering the following badges:
- Triple Manly to Shelly- swim 3x laps of Manly to Shelly Beach and back, any day during summer - distance 3.5km
- Covid Summer Challenge- swim 30 times over 7 different weeks of summer
- Corona Super Swimmer- swim 50 times over summer
You will earn and be eligible for any / all of these badge if you complete these swims and log them in i-Log
As for the winter swims, you can swim anywhere at any time to qualify, but if you don’t swim at Manly, you must log a Covid Challenge Swim
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