The surfers are cheering because they are finally seeing some waves, but for the B&B crew there is a lot of "to swim or not to swim" taking place.
As I swam this morning alongside Tony and the crew, I was thinking “hmmm what can I write about in today's blog”... considering that there was no chance of capturing any photos due to the poor visibility.
As I peered up to the stormy sky every three breaths, I thought why do I do this swim? What compels hundreds of people to get into the water rain, hail or shine?

The obvious answer is the swim, but I would also like to challenge you to consider, is it the swim itself… or is it the swimmers?
For me, the answer is the swimmers.
My journey in the water today involved the following interactions with the B&B community.
I passed Andrew and received a big ‘hello’ from him. As I went to hang my towel, I gave a fellow B&B swimmer that look of ‘should I really do this or should I rug up and head back to bed’. He said “go on … you never regret a swim”. How true is that.
I then walked to the water and was met with smiling and accomplished faces leaving the 17.1 degree water.
At shelly… more smiles and community.
As I went to pick up my towel, groups of sandy footed B&B swimmers laughing and drinking their coffee.

Freddy to dog, happy as ever and great conversations all round.

So again I ask… why do you swim?
It is rare to find a strong community these days and I believe that it is often not prioritised. However, did you know that community and connection is actually the leading indicator to living a long and prosperous life.
Keep doing what you’re doing everyone and keep connecting and building community. Above all, take a moment to stop and be thankful for the B&B team and everything that it stands for.
Andrea McDowell
Winter Badge Collection 2020
Congratulations to all those who completed their Covid-19 winter swimming challenge. As we are expecting nearly 600 swimmers to qualify, the badge distribution this year will be different in order to maintain a Covid-safe environment for our volunteers. Unfortunately, only virtual handshakes and hugs from Ian, John, Anne and Pauline and contact-less distribution.
There are two ways you can obtain your badge(s)
- Place self-addressed, stamped envelope in the box provided outside the surf club between 7 am and 8 am any during the week, to Sunday 6th September, inclusive. Inside the envelope place cash for your badge/s - $10 per badge for the Covid Badge (if you completed 20 swims over winter) and an extra $10 for the Ice Cold Corona Badge if you did those swims without a wetsuit. Family members/friends sharing an envelope must clearly name each swimmer and badge achieved. Please check postage rates and size of envelope required for multiple badges.
- Post a self-addressed, stamped envelope with payment and swimmer details, as above to Ian Forster, 6 Bligh St, Northbridge. 2063.
Badges will be posted as soon as they arrive. If you have any other badges that you are missing and wish to purchase, please include cash for those as well.
Please Note: We will place a New Swimmer sheet and pink caps with the collection box so that any would-be swimmers can sign up and collect a cap.
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