The sky was beautiful today as I walked to the club , as we move to winter the early morning sunrises are always stunners.
People were mingling pre chat
I saw this on the sand before entering the water and became worried
But, it was one of the loveliest swims I’ve had in a long time. Here’s some pre swim snaps
Jenny and I swam at the back of the pack and captured a beautiful sun
I bumped into Gemma who was chasing a large eagle ray. I had no hope of keeping up with the ray but I tried
Then I saw janet who had seen three eagle rays together , they didn’t appear until I was leaving Shelley beach. Saw some beautiful fiddler rays, groper, eagle rays. It was magical and so clear in the middle of the bay. There’s a video of the rays I’m sure I can’t upload ( internet issues today) if not head to @ecmh72 on Instagram . Here’s my experience today of the marine life
Melise removing the wetsuit after splashing about in the surf with us
After the swim I went to hear Lynne cox talk about her various swims , both marathon and adventurous , what a woman!
Stats from today - 21.4 degrees, 310 swimmers, 12 newbies
Badge ceremony 22nd March , see yesterday’s blog to click buttons to attend . Im blogging from phone secondary to computer issues ,
have a fabulous weekend, Edwina
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