Wow what a morning! I unfortunately didn’t swim this morning due to a horrid sounding cough but arrived down at 7 expecting to see the huge swell that has been predicted for today. Instead it was completely flat and looked so inviting! The weather was very off putting for many (including myself) but I was so upset I couldn’t swim and very jealous of those that could!
Not a soul to be seen this morning! Admirable of those that swam earlier than 7, it was so dark!
The few babewatchers that braved the cold and wet - with only Murray and Tom being the bravest of us all!
Once again I struggled with rotating these Im sorry!
The boys heading out at 7!
According to swimmers it was beautiful still with a few very cold patches of water- perhaps preparing everyone for what is to come?!
Sadly, this concludes my last blog as I’m off to London for a few years to work! Hopefully a few other babewatchers will share the Tuesday blogging duties. If anyone has any swimming clubs they know of please comment below! I am so sad to leave the bold and beautiful and can’t think of a better way to start the day! At least today’s weather is a reminder of what’s to come..
Ali xx
Swimmers- Maybe 30?
Water temp- 21 ish?
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