I tried to get down to the beach early today for a special sunrise, but there wasn't a lot to see except clouds and dark sky. This is the best I could get before the pink sky disappeared again
Stevie the dog came and leant against my legs today as I chatted to early swimmers, so affectionate and quiet, couldn't resist a photo with his loyal owners/walkers/companions Suzy and Angie-
Some newbies from yesterday that Georgina introduced to the swim:
Angus was new today
Then I heard about three new girls, one of whom coaxed the other two into coming, Kelllie had the genius idea of swimming with us and it's her birthday today!! Kellie on the left.
Jim was hanging around with his gorgeous grandchild, ready to smile anytime
Hop along to Fiona's art exhibition today or any day in the next week, it's at Creative Space in Abbott St, Curl Curl, such beautiful paintings.
These two men were lathering up for a 10km swim today, lots of slip/slop/slap and gels to munch on in a break
Some of the 420 people heading into the water:
I missed all the marine life today, Anne took some lovely photos, thanks for sharing
Jesse was new today and is from Perth, so is going to hunt out Julie, suggested by Di Schaffer here :
Blogger and management turned up in pink today:
Another one of Sarge's stretches before a swim:
My eagle ray from yesterday:
Chats on the wall before we all go home or start work:
Notices below:
The Monthly Dinner is back!! – 12th February 2019 – Guest Speaker
The first B&B monthly dinner for the year
Tuesday 12th February at 6.30 pmBluewater Restaurant.
Our guest on the night will be one of our swimmers, Nicole Piha, who is an award-winning sports manager. Nicole has trained Super Rugby teams, as well as international cricket and rugby teams. Through her business, Ocean Swim Support, Nicole supports long distance ocean swimmers through training, planning and logistics before and during the swim. Nicole will talk about some of the iconic swims as well as the logistics around training and planning.
Don't forget the cake stall tomorrow to raise money for Belinda Wightley's coastrek overnight walk for the Fred Hollow's foundation. Bring your food along or buy some after your swim.
Stats for today: 40 newbies! 420 swimmers! and temperature a balmy 21.4 degrees.
have a good weekend everyone, Edwina.
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