This photo sums up today's swim.. it was tough but worth it..
This is what it looked like from the Surf Club...
LSA and Jon heading in at 6.31... it took them around 7 minutes to get past 7 waves ...
Thanks for the show LSA :-P
Most went in via the beach despite JK's warning ...
Tanya is here from Germany, she had a dry-arch for travelling 22,000 km's.....
Nicky on the end, is off to Europe today to sail around the Med!
Lucy and Simon chose the beach entry
A little game we played yesterday after the swim... "ayerse or elbow" - basically you take a photo of one of them and try to guess if it is an ayerse or elbow ;-)
320 swimmers, 6 newbies, 22.3 degrees
Take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or…anywhere, and you have made a difference:
Scared to swim without a wetsuit in winter? Try the Wim Hof method here in Manly!!
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