We must be getting used to winter when 9 degrees in the air and 15.6 degrees in the water don't seem that bad. We are more that half way through winter - the days are getting longer, and do you remember those teasing 20 plus days earlier this week? It won't be long and we'll be back to hot days, summer swells, bluebottles........
But meanwhile, today was just gorgeous! Missed the 6:30s by a few minutes, only managing to capture them from a distance as they negotiated the swell.
While it felt like groundhog day on land. Apart from quasi-newbie Retha (former regular) between Anne and Shelley.
It's been colder, but also lots warmer
First dog of today's blog, doing his bit for Plastic Free July. Love your work, buddy.
The sunrise provided some very pretty photo opportunities for your viewing pleasure
Here are some of the 6:30s coming out of the water, including my former fellow student and colleague Maxine who is celebrating her birthday today. Happy birthday, hope the fam spoil you rotten.
Some very keen Manly LSC members about to do some ski training - no wonder they do well in competition.
Here is another newbie, Peter. Hope you had fun this morning.
Come 7 o'clock the main peloton head down to the water
Neptune aka Wilf exuding a divine glow
Annie and Elizabeth getting their happy on
Bathing in the golden glow, how gorgeous is the soft winter light!
Milling about the point - a sea of pink dots
I was very happy to observe improved water clarity and felt optimistic for some little friend sightings along the wall en route to Shelley even though it wasn't great yet (I predict fantastic visibility for Monday).
Like this one, even though it didn't want to play today.
I had so much fun I didn't get to Shelley before everyone left, affording a few photo opportunities
Ian mentioned a wobbegong spotting around Shelley so I went looking for it and found these instead
Not far away form Shelley along the scenic
Possibly the same PJ, closer to the pool
Manly LSC ski paddlers
The amazing Alison of the WOWs has been knitting up a storm and making us beanies. We love you Alison!
Colby the love sponge
This from my backyard, proof that Spring is on its way
What am I listening to? While writing the blog I listened to a very new Courtney Barnett performance (yesterday) from the Pitchfork festival in Chicago. Most enjoyable and I can't wait to see her shows next month.
But for your listening pleasure, a departure for the marine theme - something that reminds me a little of our struggles with the Northern Beaches Council. Cat and Mouse by guitar legend Ry Cooder from the album My Name is Buddy recorded in 2006
On a serious note, several of our number are dealing with health issues at the moment. I'm sure the best wishes of everyone are with these friends of ours, willing them to full recovery
Water temp - see photo above
Swimmers - number appears to be increasing
Newbies - at least 2
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Winter Badge
The Winter swimming season is finally here!
Although the water temperature may be a little colder than you might like, there are several advantages of swimming in winter, including flat seas, good visibility and no bluebottles.
Perhaps the biggest advantage is that you can also qualify for a winter badge by swimming a minimum of 20 times between 1st June and 31st August.
You must also swim in at least 7 different weeks. If you manage to do all of your qualifying swims without a wetsuit (or other thermal enhancing equipment), you will also qualify for the coveted WWW badge (Winter without wetsuit).
So start now, and don’t forget to log your swims to qualify.
- Ladies B&B bathers are back in stock 😛
- Men’s should be back in stock next week 👍
- NEW B&B TOWELS HAVE ARRIVED !!! 🎉😜 they are an amazing new light weight material that is super easy to shake the sand from.
Get yours now for only $50 in Budgy Smuggler Store, 1A/22 Darley Rd, Manly or Online:
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