A pretty spectacular sunrise to welcome us into the ocean this morning (but to be fair it might be like that most days and I just sleep through it). Thank you everyone for the tips,advice, extroversion and obliging smiles that got me through my first blog picture taking sesh with only moderate awkwardness (I hope).
Despite my ultimate conscientiousness, taking down everyone's names etc. I managed to delete all my notes, so I might guess at a few and apologies to the rest.
The lovely WOW (Women of the World) ladies. They had no idea that there is an entire week-long festival is named after them.
The Bunkers (named after their fav post-swim brekkie spot)
next time I'll have the superpowers to crop images like these and make them acceptable
Almost got in a biff with these guys after I told them the first pic was rubbish.
Scrubbed up gold in the end though
The Willoughby Waders - caught you at an awkward moment sorry ladies, but loved your energy.
Katie (on the left) about to have her first crack at B&B. Joined by her mate who kept seeing all the marine creatures that I didn't.
Also Ramona's (on the left) first B&B - she's from somewhere overseas, so welcome!
More regulars - just stoked to be up at 6.30am on a Sunday
Lesbubs looking slightly less stoked (kinda fierce) with her MATE Tim
wading in - how bloody beautiful is that!?
Gotcha - (expert edge of finger over lens there, top right - you're welcome)
The trio with the same wetties and their +1/escort
My first shot in the water with waterproof camera - thank you renaissance clouds and magical sunrise
That was the only marine life shot I got, but apparently there were quite a few dusky whalers out, including one unnervingly close to the surface.
Working out how to swim with a camera was about as much as I could manage.
Striping down
Gratitude - we live in paradise.
If you see this big mup face (me) around, say hi!
Until next time,
Hats x
Surf Safety
Do you know how to identify rips and what to do if you are ‘caught’ in one? Do read these wonderful safety tips.
Safety Tips - Click here
The Stats
Temp 20 degrees
Swimmers: 327
Newbies: 11
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