Brilliant sunshine today – Dragon would not need to head all the way to the Caribbean when we have this on offer!
It is definitely clear that Summer’s on the run and I guess that it was this fact that brought out all the stars!
I was finally able to put all the pieces together on the shocking disappearance of this man, 50 years ago this year…
Sorely missed by wife and friend Zara and Marjorie, in reverse order.
And speaking of bolting, Brownlee Brothers, Alistair and Jonny dropped in – allegedly they spend all their off seasons here!
Although when competing and photoshopped, they allegedly look like this
The Halftime heroes also put on a good show
Not the usual cheerleaders one would expect but entertaining all the same!
And such a hot day meant some of the younger kids needed a drink at half time.
Even this group were happy to be up at 6a.m. on a Sunday.
And happiness seemed to be a common thread the entire day!
Also happy were Fiona, Liz and Ian,
They got new cozzies for the school holidays, apparently from the Lost Property, so if anyone left them at the point last solstice, let B&B know.
These kids were happy about their matching clothes
Old mate from the Gold Coast wanted to share his happiness with everyone
But, and there is always a but,
Despite the miracle of sun, the Brownlee Brothers’ appearance, halftime drinks, new cozzies, healing lepers, we should always remember the lessons from ‘Life of Brian’...
“There's no pleasing some people”
Have a great week everyone, enjoy the sun and enjoy the dinner on Tuesday night!
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Swimming badges
Did you do the hard work to earn a summer badge but were unable to attend the badge ceremony at the weekend - make sure you bring $10 per badge and see Ian and he will ensure you can add your new badges to your B&B hoodie.
B & B Monthly Dinner– Are you swimming with Elasmobranchs?
The next B&B monthly dinner will be on Tuesday 11th April at 6.30 pm at Bluewater Restaurant. Our guest speaker on the night will be Sian Liddy, a Marine Science student at the University of New South Wales, who will pose the question: are you swimming with Elasmobranchs?
Sian is looking for citizen scientists to engage with a research program she is running as part of an Internship with the Manly Environment Centre. The research aims to use non-invasive methods to assess elasmobranch biodiversity in the Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve. So come along to find out how you can be a part of this exciting new project.
The cost of the dinner is only $25 a head and includes shared entrees, a selection of mains to choose (incl a vegetarian option), corkage (for byo wine only). Glasses of beer or wine and desserts are also available at the special price of only $5 each. Numbers are limited, so bookings are essential: To avoid disappointment and secure your spot please BOOK HERE NOW.
What is an Elasmobranch??
The secret is out. Elasmobranchs are Sharks and Rays. One of our swimmers, Sian Liddy is conducting a study that runs from now through to June. It involves sighting and taking photos of sharks and rays in Cabbage Tree Bay, recording the sightings online and uploading a photo. It’s not a one-off; it’s for recording every time you see and take a photo of an elasmobranch-type creature. To find out more about this fascinating study, book in for the monthly dinner on Tuesday night (details below).
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