Air: Not cold
Rain: Nil on the horizon
Wind: It’s a blue-bottler coming from NNE
Stingers: Nil (surprisingly)
Vis: Actually not so bad - I could see sandy bottom for half the distance
Flotsam: Lots of litter on beach, and plenty floating plastics in close
Club BBQ: Cooking again today
Xmas Reports
Today Danny launches his new goggles and togs from Santa
While Ian looks like the Cock-o'-the-Walk in his humble gift of a new cap
If you missed out on your pressie, it's because Santa got stuck in Maxine's chimney
And there should be extra heavy metal on the beaches right now, after yesterday's annual Sydney backpackers sojourn: "Let's get ripped on the beaches for Chrissy"
While 24 hours later, the three wise men are still sitting on Reg's manger
Holidays Report
Anna Banana has completed another year of primary teaching up the Hunter, and is dropping by for a dip
Jackson Dundee (blue towel) is down from the Top End for the break. He swam an ocean race in Darwin's harbour this year. Says one bloke got box-jellied - and was blind for one day
Even though it's holiday time, there's no rest for the wicked. As A-team stand quietly (and mentally plot tactics against each other), The Ghost slides silently into view ...
Christmas is a time for families. Ed feeds Catherine, while mum Freddy swims the 6.30 wave ...
Ocean dangers
You can spot great whites in the surf club cafe
Mark has reached 'Peak Toxin' and is at tipping point - obliged to pack a needle in his swim kit from now on. If you see him on the ground, pop the end off and stick it in his arse. He'll thank you
This man shows me how to surf ...
Tomorrow marks the 8th birthday of Bold & Beautiful. Derek (below) joined in December 2009, when it was one year old. "There were 20 of us," he says. "We'd meet at the point, and do a head-count before swimming off."
Temp: 21.9º
Swam: 305
Newbies: 30
The B&B 2017 Calendars - Still on sale!
Grab one for yourself, and keep yourself organised next year!
Staying safe
Remember that there are no badges for scaring yourself silly! While it is great to extend your boundaries, it is important to know your limits. Also, if you have a bit more experience, keep an eye out for new swimmers who might need company. Do read these excellent tips on staying safe in the surf. To read, or even download, click here.
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