Each week after folding the other clean washing, I get to matching up the socks. There is a level of satisfaction which is bit greater than it should be perhaps out of finding the matching pair in the great tangle especially if they are business socks which sort of look the same but are not. This is for me the satisfaction with things being as they should be.
Seeing the ocean, the beach and the horizon in the morning of a swim also brings me calm. But today, it was not; one of our treasured members, Ed is no long with us in person. He has been in my thoughts and I knew him only a little so I know he will have been in the thoughts of others. It is a reminder to enjoy life to the full and value those that are dear to you. Forget the irritants that don't matter.
And swim. We arrive and get ready
and help each other
Although unlike the magnificent Elaine and Nat and Mary I find it hard to remember names. But I remember the faces and am glad to see swimmers and say hello
Richard and Lyndall (who not only runs and swims but also rides). A good role model to aim to emulate
Dorset Jim and David
John did not get hugs today as the temp dropped below 20 but the 19.8 is pretty good. Keep it around there John
These magnificent swimmers have already completed a swim because they are going to work. Well organised
Rob and Fiona are just back from base camp at Everest. Rob has not even had time yet to shave his mountain beard. Not only it a substantial effort to walk to the base camp with next to no oxygen in the air and altitude issues, it is quite an effort just to travel to the start of this hike. From the main airport in Kathmandu, there is a small airplane ie 14 seats only, that has to be used to land in Lukla, the scariest airport in the world. And then you set off. I am glad to see you have completed it and are smiling.
Fething fluoro. Why should rash vests and wet suits be just black
Mark has correctly worked out that I am collecting photos of him. And posting them on the internet!
It was an honour for Ed's family to swim with us today. Here they are with Elaine (who has a heart that is so generous it cannot be measured) and Ros
Here are Tash, Peta and Jenn who are swimming this morning on their way for a girls weekend on the Gold Coast. While there they will be wondering why they left Manly...
Sean keeping things running
The key personnel of the squad now suited up and ready to go
A mix of early swimmers and the 7 am
some natural shots
First the Manly Daily and now more paparazzi - John is gracious under the fire of the flash and Alan is keen to join in
Encounters with early swimmers
Helen who has played water polo.
check the Garmin
at Shelly. Ed Selby's family
2 swimmers and a prayer in the background
I have to make do with a photo of Brad - no baby
Enjoying the swim - better than base camp?
dabbing demo
with a woman between. She just wanted to stand back a bit
What I am reading:
Non fiction book. The Hidden Life of Trees. I love trees but I am not sure if this is legit or not but while reading I am hoping so. it is a nice read.
Calling all Onesies, morphs and Dame Ednas:
7 a.m. - Sunday 6th November
Plastic Note Donation - for Bolds charity Royal Far West School
(Please don’t wear anything that’ll endanger yourself or the environment)
If you want to splash out, check our cafe Annie’s website “Costume Parlour” and look at skin-tight morph and flag suits
• See Annie at surf club's Point Cafe
• Website: www.costumeparlour.com
Staying safe
Remember that there are no badges for scaring yourself silly! While it is great to extend your boundaries, it is important to know your limits. Also, if you have a bit more experience, keep an eye out for new swimmers who might need company. Do read these excellent tips on staying safe in the surf. To read, or even download, click here.
Today we celebrate the life of our dear friend Ed. A service for Ed will be held at the Northern Suburbs Crematorium at North Ryde from 1.15pm followed by a wake at the Manly Surf Lifesaving Club from 3pm. Please join us in saying farewell to one of the group's true gentlemen.
Have a good day. Elizabeth Stewart.
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