Can you believe it, 74 brave swimmers turned up for the B&B Nude Solstice Swim today! We entered the water at 6.20am. (Drinky wanted us back in time to not collide with unsuspecting 7am swimmers!) I apologise for blurry photos. It was very dark and I haven't got the hang of night settings on my camera. Some of you will be pleased to know I didn't take any underwater pics as I'd forgotten my goggles! (Maybe for the best!)
Photo above is of the Dark Mofo Winter Solstice swim at Hobart yesterday which attracted around 700 swimmers. They didn't swim 1.5 kms though, even though their water was a tad chillier!
It was great to see such a good turn out and Roger was happy to sell the rest of his last year 'You can Leave Your Cap On' badges! Here he is handing them out.
Blurry but bold and beautiful!
Drinky gives us the pre-swim talk. Wait at The Point and put your swimmers around your neck. Some cheekier swimmers decided to arrange for'Towel Wranglers' at the water's edge and took their swimmers off there. Wise move I think, taking swimmers off with flippers and a camera and a race belt (to attach the camera) is not easy!
The moon was up, the water temp a refreshing 17.8 degrees and the ocean stinky, weedy and not fit for human consumption!
Mike Stacey was thrilled his wife Louise decided to do it this morning. Well done Louise, to take off that wetsuit on a morning like this was indeed bold!
There were a few streakers at Shelly but I couldn't get my equipment out in time for a shot ;-(
Lisa shows me something resembling... Louise pipes up, "Someone's lost one of his nuts!"
The real boldies with towel and flipper wranglers. Yes I had permission!
A much smaller group head out at 7am.
The sun comes up over the cloud at around 7.10am
Everybody was so pumped after this swim and talking about the next 2 nuddie Winter swims. Look out for more details but I think they'll be around 21st of July and August.
Dorset enjoys his post-swim shower in full view of us early swimmers!
Lovely to see Justus back and he thanks us all for our well wishes and messages during his recent hospital stay. We wish other B&Bers not so well at the moment the very best.
Such a post-swim buzz at Bluewater. The cold water reached some more extreme regions today and endorphines were flying out the roof!
Cake Stall Saturday 25th June
We haven't had a cake stall or a while. On Sunday Karen Sander and I are skydiving from 15,000 feet with Margaret-Anne Hayes who at 76 will be the oldest lady to have jumped from such a height! We are raising funds for Can Too/Cure Cancer and The Kolling Institute. Please bring some money for a slice or cake and if you could bring something edible to sell it would be much appreciated! Or you can donate by clicking this link
Clarity on the WWW badge. Please be aware that to obtain the coveted WinterWithoutWetsuit badge, the only parts of the body allowed to be covered by wetsuit material are the feet (booties allowed). Apart from the feet, the body can only be covered in non-wetsuit material.
It's that time again. Winter is here ... and so are the winter
badges. Winter swim season runs from 1 June to 31 August and to
qualify for your winter badge, you must:
• swim at least 20 times during this period
• swim in at least 7 different weeks
• log your swims
To qualify for the WWW badge (winter without wetsuit) you must complete all
of the above without wearing a wetsuit or any other form of bodily thermal
enhancement. (Don't forget to check the "without wetsuit" button on the log
in screen).
Why not give it a try? Any questions - email Ian: [email protected]
Also, a reminder that the philosophy of the B&B group is that we are a group activity - and that swims are only to be logged for swims made between the hours of 6 am and the final 7 am swim (or double or triple or other sanctioned swims). Swims are not to be logged outside of these times for social and safety reasons.
- Management
B & B Fundraising Trivia Night
As you are aware B&B is a free for all activity, but there are ongoing costs that need to be met. To help support B&B and keep it the wonderful, inclusive, growing phenomenon that it is, we have arranged a Fund-raising Trivia Night. Details are as follows
Venue: The Steyne Hotel
Date: Tuesday 12th July - 6.30 pm
Cost: $25 per head (which includes a chicken or steak dinner. Drinks will be available at bar prices.)
Please keep this date free so you can come along. The Theme of the night is "PINK", so come dressed in your finest pink paraphernalia to brighten up the night. Prizes will be awarded for the best dressed male and female, as well as the best themed table, so use your imagination. Bookings are essential so please BOOK HERE NOW.
In order to make this event a success, we are asking for donations of goods and or services that can be used as auction items or raffle prizes on the night. If you can assist can you please contact John Kelly.
Swimmers :Around 160 most of whom swam nude at 6.20am!
Water Temp 17.4
Newbies 1
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Signing off
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