Enter the All Stars! All of you!
Will you vote Team Omega or A-Team? More on the teams below .......
REDFEB is Heart Research Australia's signature fundraising campaign. It promotes a heart healthy lifestyle and raises much needed funds for first-stage innovative research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Visit redfeb.com.au for further information.
B&B will again be assisting this cause in 2016 by holding a fundraising race over the whole of February. The "Race" will be between our own two teams: The A TEAM and TEAM OMEGA. You can donate funds to your chosen team on the team page, or even better, you can create your own page where all your friends can donate towards the cause.
To support Team Omega: http://www.everydayhero.com.au/event/TeamOmega
To support the A Team: http://www.everydayhero.com.au/event/ATeam
So when does all of this happen?
Our fundraising effort will be highlighted on Saturday 13th February when we will all exchange our pink caps for RED ones at 7 am as we have our own "RED FEB RACE". I think we know who will win the swimming race, but who will win the fundraising race? To help you choose who to support, here is a statement in support of each of the teams:
The A-team comprises the elite swimmers in the Bold and Beautiful. Not only are they good looking, they are FAST. They like to compete and they like to WIN. While they are virtually assured of a win in the swimming race, they also want desperately to win the fundraising! Dave Panton, the quintessential A-Teamer says "Bring it on!"
Team Omega
The members of Team Omega are slow but steady. While they are normally found at the back of the pack, they are always persistent and never give up. No challenge is too great for these swimmers. Elizabeth X, the leader of Team Omega, and an experienced fundraiser, says she is quietly confident of a victory.
Our friends at Manly Beach Health Club, who are again sponsoring the RED FEB event, are offering a FREE 30 min Personal Training session to our members. This is a great way to kick start your New Years health goals. Click here to download your FREE voucher.
To today's swim!
I turned up at the tree of plenty.....and couldn't see anyone!
Oh no, wait, here's the greeting group explaining that we had moved today farther up the beach.
A few steps, and I reached the tree. Phew!
These lovely ladies found us
I love this photo, a blog tart in the making .....spot the blogger with camera........
Jk said we had to get our swim thang on and 'urry oooop' as the Cole 5km swimmers would be joining the bay in the next 20 mins!
Underwater photos time!
Thought you may enjoy some fish pics from our little corner of fun! I took these on a dive in early January.
Even Wobbygongs get itchy. Look closely and you can see a cleaner shrimp walking on the Wobby. The Wobby shook it off gently, on.y for the cleaner shrimp to persist and jump back on again.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Water temp:23.5 positively balmy!
Newbies: I saw 3
All stars! Loads!
Signing off Snorkles
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